Boobage - Herbal Tisane

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Mommy Needs Some Backstock

Are you tired of having that same old nasty breast feeding tea in order to keep up your milk supply? You know your little one needs some "milk milk", but those teas usually taste so gross. Well we hear you. So we made a blend that's a lot more drinkable and will have your baby pleasantly fed with "nigh nigh", "num num", and "BITTY". This herbal Tisane has all the right ingredients to naturally increase your milk supply, AND it tastes great!

And for you men out there, don’t feel left out: Ingredients in Boobage have also beens known to increase your sexual drive and prevent hair loss. It’s a win win for everyone!

NOTE: Just to be safe as opinion on the Google differs, please consult your doctor first. 

SEQUEL TO GREATNESS: Boobage is not only our "breast feeding tea". It's also an amazing relief for inflammation. From headaches to arthritis, soreness from working out, cramps from hell, etc...

- T-We Tea

Herbal Tisane Brewing

Bring water to a boil

2 tsp per cup of tea

Let steep 5+ minutes

Try resteeping your leaves all day